Guarding the Jungle

The tribal communities everywhere in India have a tradition of protecting forests. Most often, there is a demarcated community forest that is preserved and protected. Matavan is a similar tradition in Jhabua. It is a social norm to nurture the trees in Matavan. No individual can make any personal use of the woods of Matavan. Matavan also holds essential inclusion in rituals & festivals of tribal people. They offer the first harvest of their crop to the deity in the Matavan shows the faith tribal people have for Matavan. Shivganga recognized the strength of Matavan tradition and identified it as a medium for implementing Jungle Samvardhan or Forests Enrichment programs.

Deforestation is also contributing to the water crisis problem of Jhabua.

Help beating environmental pollution by planting trees


After consecutive meetings in villages, the Shivganga team lists potential sites for forest revival. After rainfall during June and July, the community organises Halma and gathers for digging pits and plantations under the supervision of the Gram Engineers. The area is protected from grazing animals and free movement by erecting a fence around it. The villagers take care of the Matavan during heat waves and otherwise and even plant a new sapling if some saplings die. 104250 trees planted in 736 villages.

Swastha Parivar fruiting trees adoption

Post-Swachh Gaon - Swastha Parivar training, the families adopt a set of 12 saplings - chosen to bring a diversity of nutrients. The 12 trees identified for the purpose are - Mango, Moringa, Shehtoot(Mulberry), Lemon, Guava, Neem, Kari Patta, Papaya, Custard-apple, Amla, Jamun and Bel. Till now 19000 plants were distributed to 1650 families in 216 villages. Villagers took the pledge to raise the saplings like their child.

Community Forests Rights

The tribal communities used to live in indistinct oneness with nature - as the natural protector of forests. With the British invasion, the tribal communities were snatched off their forests, livelihood and culture. Even after the Forest Right Act 2006, nothing changed on the ground. Therefore, Shivganga started the 'Vanraj Training Camp' in 2019 to ensure that tribal communities get the rights of their forests.

  • 27 Training Camps were organized in different villages in which 1447 villagers trained
  • 03 villages have initiated the legal procedure
  • Shri Milind Thatte (Founder, Vayam Foundation, Palghar) and Shri Girish Kuber (Hitrakhsa Pramukh, Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram); Shri Rahul Mungikar (Joint Director, Bombay Natural History Society ), involved as experts
The Vanraj Training Camp will be pivotal for the Jangal Samvardhan - Forests Enrichment dimension and open possibilities for livelihood.







The average carbon footprint is 21500 Kg/person.

CO2 removed by a tree is 21.7 Kg/Year.

That makes 1000 trees per person!


Vikas ka Jatan

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