Entrepreneurship and livelihood generation

Fostering Young Entrepreneur

In the course of the journey with tribal people of jhabua, shivganga explored that the current education which measures everyone equal is not equally beneficial for everyone. Also, this education doesn’t guarantee a livelihood to everyone. so, to respond to the situations of jhabua, shivganga initiated alternative education & skill development programs. Shivganga aims at developing an entrepreneurial ecosystem to foster young entrepreneurs from tribal societies. shivganga in collaboration with tata institute of social sciences, mumbai have initiated an incubation centre for these entrepreneurs. the objective of the centre is to facilitate and catalyze the complete cycle from skill training to livelihood generation

Get involved with Shivganga to make our villages self-reliant and full of self-esteem!

Organic Farming Training Camp

The initiative covers the Jameen Samvardhan - Land Enrichment dimension of Shivganga. The team organizes monthly training of farmers in natural and chemical-free farming and horticulture. The training also includes crop planning and sorting & grading of products. The team has developed a supply chain to sell their produce in Indore through a retail counter.

GATI- labs (Grassroots Appropriate Technology Innovation labs)

Rural India lacks innovation for appropriate technology. Consequently, the traditional tools are losing their relevance, and modern tools often misfit the requirements. Understanding this pain of tribal Jhabua Shivganga has conceptualized and established ‘GATI-labs’ on its Dharampuri Gurukul Campus. The Lab trains youths in various skills like welding, electric works, plumbing and equipment handling. The tribal youths of Jhabua have a glaring affinity for experiment and innovation. Hence, complemented by this lab, they will develop skills & tools addressing the needs of Jhabua and rural India.

Bamboo Training

Shivganga is providing training to youths in bamboo handicrafts and marketing them through an e-commerce platform, www.jhabuacrafts.com. Shivganga has a full-time residential Bamboo Training Centre at Meghnagar Ashram. The team has begun organising Basic Training Camp in villages. Selected youths go for advanced training in Meghnagar and Indore. It envisions a decentralized model where trainees complete training, go back to their village and train others. The trainees today become trainers tomorrow. With the help of a specially designed kit by Dr Parag Vyas ( alumnus - IDC, IIT Bombay), individuals can produce 70-80 finished products at their homes. After giving the final touch, Jhabua Crafts will market these products through various mediums - online & offline.

Sucess Stories

Ramsingh Medha is a marginal farmer. He along with his family used to migrate to sustain himself. Training in organic farming has reduced his input cost. Connecting it to market through Jhabua Naturals has secured him greater income. He now aspires to make his entire land organic and learn growing different crops organically. Jhabua Naturals is a social enterprise by devoted tribal farmers. After training in organic farming, 50+ farmers like Ramsingh Medha are marketing their chemical free farm produce in Indore. The ventures has completed the pilot phase and is ready to embark a long journey.

Kamlesh Damor, is a young creative person. It was never possible for him to express his creativity at construction sites while working as a labourer. Continuous training in Bamboo Handicrafts has made him learn various Bamboo Products. 40+ artisans like Kamlesh are supplying bamboo handicrafts through Jhabua Naturals E-Commerce Platform www.jhabuacrafts.com and also providing training to villagers.

Let us bring them the education that they need!


Vikas ka Jatan

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IT Exemption U/S 80G,
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Valid from 01/04/09, Extended from AY 2022-23 to AY 2023-24 with
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